To make a donation online please select one of the contribution designations below. (To clarify where your donation will be going, please read the “Classification of Contributions to St. Augustine High School” section below the contribution designations. Thank you in advance for your contribution to St. Augustine High School and it’s Mission.)
Classifications of Contributions to St. Augustine High School
St. Augustine High School is a 501(c)(3) not for profit corporation which allows for it to accept tax deductible gifts from donors in support of the educational mission of the school. As such, the school has a fiduciary responsibility to utilize contributions in a manner consistent with a donor’s intent.
In accordance with the generally accepted accounting principles used by the school’s independent auditors, contributions are classified in one of two categories: unrestricted or permanently restricted. Classification of contributions is based on the level of donor restriction for use.
Unrestricted contributions are given unconditionally. The school has immediate use of these contributions and their use is determined by the school based on its areas of greatest need.
Contributions with donor restrictions requiring the principal gift to be held in perpetuity are classified as permanently restricted and commonly referred to as “endowment funds”. The school pools these contributions into a portfolio of investments and the income earned from such assets is generally restricted to the purpose designated by the donor. The school’s Finance Committee regularly reviews the performance of the portfolio for meeting the school’s investment goals of growth and income and a portion of earnings is annually transferred to the operational fund of the school. The majority the school’s endowment contributions are used to fund student need-based tuition grants.